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Anti-drug driving

Anti-drug driving 01.07.2022

Road Safety Campaign raising awareness of the consequences of driving under the influence of drugs.

This campaign wanted to raise awareness of the fact that you can be tested for drug driving by An Garda Síochána at the roadside or in garda stations. There is no hiding drug driving.

An Garda Síochána have the power to test the oral fluid of drivers for the presence of cannabis, cocaine, opiates (e.g. morphine) and benzodiazepines (e.g. Valium) at the roadside or in a garda station. This testing is done on a Drager 5000 drug tester device.

The campaign includes short videos which demonstrate how drug testing is carried out at the roadside and the consequences should a driver be caught driving under the influence of drugs.

The campaign is on digital and social.

For more please see here

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