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Statement re NCT

NCT 30.01.2020

Since the issue of the scissors lift in NCTS Centres has come to light the Road Safety Authority has been working with Applus and engaging with other relevant stakeholders to ensure that they are appraised of the issue and to establish the extent of the problem and possible resolutions. This also includes engagement with An Garda Síochána.

The NCTS contractor Applus is working to resolve the issue with the lift supplier as a matter of the utmost urgency and they expect to have some centre lifts coming back on line shortly following the completion of an initial condition survey of lifts in some centres. The safety and wellbeing of the staff of the NCTS Centres, and customers’ property, is of paramount importance and the safety checks must be completed before any lifts can be brought back into commission.

As an interim measure, a Vehicle Inspection Report will be issued in the normal way following a test. While it will indicate the result as a ‘Fail’ it will clearly indicate “No lift inspection done” in relation to Stage 3 of the test dealing with the visual inspection of the underbody. Motorists affected by the issue are advised to keep a copy of their Vehicle Inspection Report with them in their vehicle.

In keeping with existing practice motorists are being advised that they must rectify any defects that are detected on any part of the test that is conducted (Stage 1 and Stage 2). Any defects will be identified, as usual, on the Vehicle Inspection Report and should be rectified at the earliest opportunity.

All vehicle owners are reminded that the roadworthiness of their vehicle is always their responsibility, not just at the time their car is due an NCTS test.

If their NCT is due, vehicle owners should make a booking as normal and keep their NCTS test appointments.

Motorists are again advised to keep a copy of their Vehicle Inspection Report with them in order to present it to a member of An Garda Síochána if required.